Gokkusagi Schools raise world citizens who are committed to their values. It aims to keep national, spiritual, and universal values alive and educate its students as “good people” in this direction. At this point, values education studies, and national and international programs are also placed in an important place. By integrating it with the IB vision and philosophy, the adoption of values contributes to the personal and social development of students. While conducting values education studies, it is aimed to raise students as individuals who are principled, communicative, open-minded, sensitive, balanced, reflective, alternate thinking, researching, and questioning.

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Information Request Form

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Bilgi Talep Formu İngilizce


Gokkusagi Schools raise world citizens who are committed to their values. It aims to keep national, spiritual, and universal values alive and educate its students as “good people” in this direction. At this point, values education studies, and national and international programs are also placed in an important place.

By integrating it with the PYP (Primary Years Program), the adoption of values contributes to the personal and social development of students. While conducting values education studies, it is aimed to raise students as individuals who are principled, communicative, open-minded, sensitive, balanced, reflective, alternate thinking, researching, and questioning.

Being a Citizen of the World

A happy and peaceful world, aimed at by our PYP program, is created by providing children with universal values such as empathy, respect, justice, responsibility, honesty, patience, friendship, love, self-control, helpfulness and patriotism that will benefit the individual and society.

In Values Education, while students are equipped with the knowledge, they also consider their moral and social values.