Bursa İnternational School



26 years of experience in international education programs

International School in Antalya

Gokkusagi Schools Ozluce Campus in Bursa began to provide services in the 2023/2024 academic year. At the campus, the CAP Program (Creativity-Activity Program) encourages students to discover and utilize their unique abilities, while STEM and robotic coding education provides them with command over technology and problem-solving skills. An intensive English program develops their language skills and exam preparation support for YKS and LGS exams are provided.

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Primary SCHOOL



International School Antalya

Ozluce Kindergarten

Gokkusagi Schools' Bursa Ozluce Kindergarten aims to have children take their first steps towards becoming 'global individuals', equipped with international values and academic education. It aims to make children ready for primary school and encourages them to be conscious and thoughtful individuals open to different cultures.

Various programs and activities are provided at the preschool to support children's individual and academic development. An experienced teaching staff responds to all the needs of the children. Within the Career Development Program (CDP), children are assisted to discover career paths suitable for their interests and abilities. STEM and Coding courses develop children's creativity and practical intelligence. These courses encourage children to transfer their knowledge to different disciplines and build resilience in the face of challenges.

The CAP (Creativity-Activity) Program focuses on developing children's social, artistic, cultural, and sports aspects. Moreover, with intensive and effective education in two foreign languages, English and German, children gain the ability to communicate effectively in a multilingual world.

Teaching supported by smart boards and tablets adapts to children's individual learning styles and increases their individual awareness. In this context, Bursa Ozluce Kindergarten offers a comprehensive educational experience to develop children's personal, academic, and social skills.

Ozluce Primary School

Various programs and activities are provided to support children's individual and academic development. An experienced teaching staff responds to all the needs of the children.

Within the Career Development Program (CDP), children are assisted to discover career paths suitable for their interests and abilities. STEM and Coding courses develop children's creativity and practical intelligence. These courses encourage children to transfer their knowledge to different disciplines and build resilience in the face of challenges.

Unlike other grades, Gokkusagi Schools' primary school level aims to provide students with a global perspective by being composed of 100% international classes. This encourages them to interact with different cultures, fostering a broader outlook.

The CAP (Creativity-Activity) Program focuses on developing children's social, artistic, cultural, and sports aspects. Moreover, with intensive and effective education in two foreign languages, English and German, children gain the ability to communicate effectively in a multilingual world.

Teaching supported by smart boards and tablets adapts to children's individual learning styles and increases their individual awareness. In this context, Bursa Ozluce Primary School offers a comprehensive educational experience to develop children's personal, academic, and social skills.

Ozluce Middle School

Gökkuşağı Schools’ Middle School offer an intensive preparation program for the LGS (Transition to High School Exam). This program is carried out by an experienced and expert teaching staff in the National classes. The preparation program is designed to maximize the students' success in the LGS exam. It provides students with the ability to understand topics in depth and solve various types of questions. The potential topics for the exam are discussed in detail, and students are given exercises and mock exams that are suitable for the exam format. An approach that adapts to students' individual learning speeds and styles is adopted, focusing on the unique needs of each student.

This intensive preparation program not only provides students with the knowledge and skills needed during the exam process, but it also teaches strategies that will help them cope with exam stress and anxiety, increasing their exam performance and self-confidence.

Unlike other grades, Gokkusagi Schools' middle school level aims to provide students with a global perspective by being composed of 100% international classes. This encourages them to interact with different cultures, fostering a broader outlook.

Various programs and activities are provided to support children's individual and academic development. An experienced teaching staff responds to all the needs of the children. Within the Career Development Program (CDP), children are assisted to discover career paths suitable for their interests and abilities. STEM and Coding courses develop children's creativity and practical intelligence. These courses encourage children to transfer their knowledge to different disciplines and build resilience in the face of challenges.

Ozluce High School

With its teaching staff made up of experienced experts in their fields, Gokkusagi Schools assists students in communicating effectively in a multilingual world by offering intensive English and German language education programs. The College also encourages students to become effective and conscious users of computer technologies by providing IT courses that will help them develop a wide set of IT skills and understanding.

Moreover, the Schools' Career Development Program (CDP) guides students in planning their career paths, while the YKS preparation program provides the necessary knowledge and skills for success in university entrance exams. During high school, the students are given opportunities to take part in international projects and competitions, while also being supported in their potential to gain admission to more than 2000 universities. Additionally, the CAP (Creativity-Activity) Program designed to develop students' social, artistic, cultural, and sports aspects is also offered.

While technologically supporting students' learning processes with smart boards and iPads, the academic board also guides the preparation process for exams. This comprehensive and multifaceted approach provides students with extensive opportunities to continue both their academic and personal development.

Student Life


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Özader (Private Kindergartens Association) president Serkan YAVUZ and his wife Sedanur YAVUZ visited our school. During their visit, a detailed discussion was held about our school's education system, teaching methods and student
achievements. Together, we had a productive conversation about the current challenges encountered in education, solution suggestions and projects planned for the future. We also shared our work on the academic and social development of our students. We exchanged ideas about future cooperation and joint projects. Their visits gave positive feedback about our school's quality of education and student-oriented approach.ÖZADER (Özel Anaokulları Derneği) başkanı Serkan YAVUZ ve eşi Sedanur YAVUZ okulumuzu ziyaret ettiler. Ziyaretleri sırasında, okulumuzun eğitim sistemi, öğretim yöntemleri ve öğrenci başarılarımız hakkında detaylı bir görüşme yapıldı. Birlikte, eğitimde karşılaşılan güncel zorluklar, çözüm önerileri ve gelecekte yapılması planlanan projeler üzerine verimli bir sohbet gerçekleştirdik. Ayrıca, öğrencilerimizin akademik ve sosyal gelişimine yönelik yaptığımız çalışmaları da paylaşarak, gelecek iş birliği ve ortak projeler konusunda fikir alışverişinde bulunduk. Ziyaretleri, okulumuzun eğitim kalitesi ve öğrenci odaklı yaklaşımı hakkında olumlu geri bildirimleri oldu.🥰

Özader (Private Kindergartens Association) president Serkan YAVUZ and his wife Sedanur YAVUZ visited our school. During their visit, a detailed discussion was held about our school`s education system, teaching methods and student
achievements. Together, we had a productive conversation about the current challenges encountered in education, solution suggestions and projects planned for the future. We also shared our work on the academic and social development of our students. We exchanged ideas about future cooperation and joint projects. Their visits gave positive feedback about our school`s quality of education and student-oriented approach.

ÖZADER (Özel Anaokulları Derneği) başkanı Serkan YAVUZ ve eşi Sedanur YAVUZ okulumuzu ziyaret ettiler. Ziyaretleri sırasında, okulumuzun eğitim sistemi, öğretim yöntemleri ve öğrenci başarılarımız hakkında detaylı bir görüşme yapıldı. Birlikte, eğitimde karşılaşılan güncel zorluklar, çözüm önerileri ve gelecekte yapılması planlanan projeler üzerine verimli bir sohbet gerçekleştirdik. Ayrıca, öğrencilerimizin akademik ve sosyal gelişimine yönelik yaptığımız çalışmaları da paylaşarak, gelecek iş birliği ve ortak projeler konusunda fikir alışverişinde bulunduk. Ziyaretleri, okulumuzun eğitim kalitesi ve öğrenci odaklı yaklaşımı hakkında olumlu geri bildirimleri oldu.🥰

Choosing the right educational institution for a child is a significant decision that will influence their academic and personal growth. As parents and guardians, you aspire for a school in Bursa or Ozluce that will empower your children with the knowledge and skills to face the future. It is not just about selecting a school in Ozluce or Bursa, but finding an institution that will nurture your children's unique abilities, foster their curiosity, and inspire them to reach their fullest potential.Gokkusagi Schools, an international school in Bursa and Ozluce, is committed to this mission. With an approach that transcends the ordinary private school in Bursa or Ozluce, Gokkusagi Schools offers a holistic education, nurturing students not only academically but also cultivating their creativity, critical thinking, and global awareness.Located in Ozluce, one of the most serene and secure districts of Bursa, Gokkusagi Schools is a private school in Ozluce that extends an immersive learning experience, fostering the all-round development of children from kindergarten to high school.Choosing the right school in Bursa or Ozluce requires careful consideration of several aspects, including curriculum, teaching methodology, school culture, and values. At Gokkusagi Schools, an international school in Ozluce, you'll find a learning environment that focuses on individual student growth, ensuring they thrive in a rapidly changing global landscape.Indeed, the choice of a school is not merely about geography; it's about choosing a philosophy, a way of life that will shape your children's future. Therefore, when you choose Gokkusagi Schools, you're not just choosing a school in Bursa or Ozluce, but an educational experience that empowers your children to become global citizens.

Gokkusagi Schools: Comprehensive Education from Kindergarten to High School in Ozluce

At Gokkusagi Schools, a renowned international school in Ozluce, the academic journey begins at kindergarten and culminates at the high school level, offering a cohesive, seamless, and enriching learning experience. With an exceptional and innovative educational approach, Gokkusagi Schools stands out as a private school in Ozluce, providing a nurturing and dynamic learning environment that caters to each student's unique needs and potential.As an acclaimed school in Ozluce, Gokkusagi Schools offers comprehensive educational programs that encompass academic studies, creative arts, and athletic activities. Students are guided and supported by a team of highly experienced and passionate educators who are dedicated to fostering an inclusive and stimulating learning atmosphere.Being a private school in Bursa as well, Gokkusagi Schools also extends its commitment to excellence beyond Ozluce. With a consistent focus on holistic development, Gokkusagi Schools has carved out a niche in the realm of education, establishing itself as a respected international school in Bursa.At Gokkusagi Schools, education is not limited to the traditional classroom setting. It's an immersive journey where students from kindergarten to high school engage in a variety of innovative learning experiences, helping them discover their innate talents, acquire new skills, and cultivate an international perspective.Choose Gokkusagi Schools, and you choose a high-quality education at a top school in Bursa. Let your child embark on a transformative educational journey, where they can grow, discover, and prepare to be future leaders in an interconnected world.

A Message from the Founder: Abdulkadir Gayretli on the Role of Education in Individual and Societal Transformation at a Private School in Bursa

At Gokkusagi Schools, an esteemed international school in Ozluce, students are encouraged and guided to discover their unique potential, ignite their creativity, cultivate sensitivity towards global issues, and master the efficient use of technology. As an eminent private school in Ozluce, the institution has consistently upheld its commitment to holistic education that transcends textbook learning.This innovative educational approach makes Gokkusagi Schools more than a school in Ozluce. It positions them as a catalyst for transformation in young minds, ensuring that each student becomes an active participant in their learning journey. The school strives to imbue its learners with the tools and skills they will need to thrive in a rapidly evolving world.Founder Abdulkadir Gayretli's vision extends beyond Ozluce, making Gokkusagi Schools a renowned private school in Bursa as well. He emphasizes the transformative role of education on both individual and societal levels, advocating for a comprehensive educational approach that caters to all facets of a student's development.Gokkusagi Schools, as an international school in Bursa, continues to nurture a generation of learners who are creative, sensitive, technologically adept, and capable of tapping into their personal potential. This commitment to cultivating well-rounded individuals echoes throughout each class, extracurricular activity, and community initiative, making Gokkusagi Schools a premier choice for parents seeking a quality school in Bursa.These efforts aim to foster a learning environment where students are empowered to become innovators, leaders, and global citizens who can make significant contributions to society. By nurturing these qualities, Gokkusagi Schools shape the learners of today into the leaders of tomorrow.Embracing Multilingualism: Bilingual Education Following Cambridge Standards at Gokkusagi Schools, a School in OzluceLanguage forms the backbone of our communication and understanding of the world. At Gokkusagi Schools, a highly regarded international school in Ozluce, multilingualism isn't merely promoted; it's intricately woven into the fabric of the educational experience. As a leading private school in Ozluce, Gokkusagi Schools recognise the importance of bilingual education in fostering cognitive development, cultural appreciation, and global awareness.Adhering to the Cambridge standards, the school provides robust bilingual education, commencing from kindergarten all the way up to high school. In addition to being a comprehensive school in Ozluce, Gokkusagi Schools' innovative language programmes set it apart as a unique learning establishment. The bilingual education promotes not only language proficiency but also broadens learners' cultural perspectives, fostering a sense of global citizenship.Moreover, as an influential international school in Bursa, Gokkusagi Schools' commitment to bilingual education extends to the wider region. Their effective language programmes reflect the institution's dedication to preparing students for an increasingly interconnected world. By focusing on multilingual education, this prominent private school in Bursa provides students with invaluable skills that reach far beyond the classroom.In essence, language learning at Gokkusagi Schools, a recognised school in Bursa, doesn't stop at understanding words and grammar. It encompasses a deep dive into diverse cultures, histories, and ways of thinking. By encouraging students to embrace multilingualism, Gokkusagi Schools ensures that each learner can confidently interact with and understand the world on a more profound, inclusive level.

Fostering Innovation: STEM and Robotics Coding at Gokkusagi Schools

In an era driven by technology and scientific advancement, the importance of providing students with a comprehensive and innovative STEM education cannot be overstated. At Gokkusagi Schools, a prestigious international school in Ozluce, students are encouraged to engage with the principles of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) from an early age. As a recognized private school in Ozluce, the institution provides a learning environment that nurtures curiosity, encourages creative problem-solving, and fosters an enduring passion for discovery.At the heart of Gokkusagi's STEM program is a focus on robotics and coding. As one of the distinguished schools in Ozluce, Gokkusagi Schools emphasizes the importance of these subjects, which have become central to numerous career fields. This real-world approach to education allows students to develop vital skills, including logical reasoning, creativity, and teamwork.Beyond being a leading international school in Bursa, Gokkusagi Schools also holds a significant place on the global education stage. By integrating robotics and coding into their core curriculum, the school is preparing students to thrive in an increasingly digital world. As a renowned private school in Bursa, Gokkusagi's commitment to providing a forward-thinking STEM curriculum equips students with the skills needed to excel in their future academic and professional endeavours.Overall, as an innovative school in Bursa, Gokkusagi Schools recognize that the leaders and innovators of tomorrow are in today's classrooms. By integrating STEM education and particularly focusing on robotics and coding, they are paving the way for their students to become the creative problem solvers and technology leaders of the future.

Adopting Prestigious National and International Curriculums at Gokkusagi Schools, an International School in Ozluce

In today's globalized world, an internationally-minded education is more crucial than ever. Recognizing this importance, Gokkusagi Schools, a notable international school in Ozluce, is committed to providing a well-rounded education to its students through the adoption of prestigious national and international curriculums.As an international school in Bursa, Gokkusagi Schools places a high emphasis on equipping its students with the knowledge and skills needed to succeed not only in Turkey but also on the global stage. By adhering to both national education standards and globally recognized curriculums, the school offers an academically rigorous and culturally diverse learning experience.Moreover, Gokkusagi's status as a private school in Ozluce and a private school in Bursa has allowed it the flexibility to adapt its curriculum to the needs of its students. This flexibility translates into an ability to provide a more individualized learning experience, tailored to support each student's academic growth and personal development.In addition to being one of the leading schools in Ozluce and schools in Bursa, Gokkusagi's commitment to adopting prestigious national and international curriculums extends its influence beyond the local sphere. The school's globally-minded approach to education prepares its students for the increasingly interconnected and multicultural world they will graduate into. This approach fosters cultural awareness, encourages critical thinking, and develops the communication skills necessary to interact with people from diverse backgrounds and perspectives.Ultimately, by adopting prestigious national and international curriculums, Gokkusagi Schools underscores its commitment to providing a world-class education that prepares its students to thrive in a global society.

Unleashing Creativity and Activity: The CAP Program at Gokkusagi Schools, a Private School in Ozluce

At Gokkusagi Schools, a reputable private school in Ozluce, the focus of education extends beyond the conventional academic sphere. The school acknowledges the significant role that creativity and activity play in fostering holistic student development. Hence, it offers a specially designed CAP Program (Creativity-Activity Program) to stimulate the imagination, encourage physical activity, and instill a lifelong love of learning in its students.As a private school in Bursa, Gokkusagi Schools has the freedom to incorporate unique, innovative programs like the CAP Program into its curriculum. The CAP Program empowers students to explore their interests and talents in a wide range of fields, spanning from sports to arts, language to science. This program represents an essential part of Gokkusagi Schools' commitment as a school in Ozluce and a school in Bursa to provide comprehensive education that nurtures the whole child.Being one of the distinguished schools in Ozluce, Gokkusagi Schools recognizes the importance of creativity and activity for intellectual and personal growth. The CAP Program, therefore, aims to equip students with innovative skills and foster a sense of initiative. Simultaneously, it encourages teamwork, focus, and social skills development.Furthermore, as a leading international school in Ozluce and an international school in Bursa, Gokkusagi Schools' CAP Program also prepares students for the global stage. By participating in various activities, students gain confidence and acquire skills that are essential in today's interconnected world.In summary, the CAP Program at Gokkusagi Schools, by fostering creativity and promoting active participation, aids in preparing its students to be well-rounded individuals ready to make meaningful contributions to their communities and the world.

The Portrait of a Gokkusagi Student: A Journey from Potential Discovery to Multidimensional Growth at Gokkusagi Schools, a School in Bursa

At Gokkusagi Schools, an esteemed school in Bursa, students embark on an incredible journey from potential discovery to multidimensional growth. The philosophy of Gokkusagi Schools is grounded in the belief that every child is a unique individual with inherent potential, and the school's role is to provide an environment conducive to discovering and nurturing this potential. As such, the portrait of a Gokkusagi student encapsulates a curious mind, a creative thinker, and an active learner.Being a reputable private school in Ozluce, Gokkusagi Schools emphasizes individuality and diversity in its student body. It fosters an environment that allows students to explore their strengths, cultivate their interests, and develop their abilities to the fullest. By providing opportunities for personal growth, Gokkusagi Schools establishes itself as a notable school in Ozluce committed to nurturing its students' potential.Gokkusagi Schools, also known as a well-respected private school in Bursa, encourages its students to strive for excellence. It supports students on their journey of self-discovery, equipping them with the necessary skills and knowledge to navigate the challenges and seize the opportunities of the 21st century.As an international school in Ozluce, Gokkusagi Schools prepares its students for global citizenship. It cultivates their understanding of different cultures, equips them with the ability to communicate in multiple languages, and promotes values such as respect for diversity, empathy, and social responsibility.Moreover, as an international school in Bursa, the journey at Gokkusagi Schools doesn't stop at academic excellence. It extends to fostering social, emotional, and moral development, nurturing creative talents, promoting physical health, and instilling a passion for lifelong learning.In essence, a Gokkusagi student's journey is characterized by continuous growth and development. It is a journey from discovering their unique potential to experiencing multidimensional growth, making Gokkusagi Schools a destination for comprehensive education in Ozluce and Bursa.

The Portrait of a Gokkusagi Student: A Journey from Potential Discovery to Multidimensional Growth at Gokkusagi Schools, a School in Bursa

At Gokkusagi Schools, an esteemed school in Bursa, students embark on an incredible journey from potential discovery to multidimensional growth. The philosophy of Gokkusagi Schools is grounded in the belief that every child is a unique individual with inherent potential, and the school's role is to provide an environment conducive to discovering and nurturing this potential. As such, the portrait of a Gokkusagi student encapsulates a curious mind, a creative thinker, and an active learner.Being a reputable private school in Ozluce, Gokkusagi Schools emphasizes individuality and diversity in its student body. It fosters an environment that allows students to explore their strengths, cultivate their interests, and develop their abilities to the fullest. By providing opportunities for personal growth, Gokkusagi Schools establishes itself as a notable school in Ozluce committed to nurturing its students' potential.Gokkusagi Schools, also known as a well-respected private school in Bursa, encourages its students to strive for excellence. It supports students on their journey of self-discovery, equipping them with the necessary skills and knowledge to navigate the challenges and seize the opportunities of the 21st century.As an international school in Ozluce, Gokkusagi Schools prepares its students for global citizenship. It cultivates their understanding of different cultures, equips them with the ability to communicate in multiple languages, and promotes values such as respect for diversity, empathy, and social responsibility.Moreover, as an international school in Bursa, the journey at Gokkusagi Schools doesn't stop at academic excellence. It extends to fostering social, emotional, and moral development, nurturing creative talents, promoting physical health, and instilling a passion for lifelong learning.In essence, a Gokkusagi student's journey is characterized by continuous growth and development. It is a journey from discovering their unique potential to experiencing multidimensional growth, making Gokkusagi Schools a destination for comprehensive education in Ozluce and Bursa.In conclusion, the importance of selecting the right school – be it a private school or a college – cannot be overstated. As an educator with years of experience, I have seen time and again how the right environment can mold a child's future, unlocking their potential, shaping their character, and paving the way for a prosperous life.Choosing a school is like laying the foundation of a building. A building will only be as sturdy as its foundation. Similarly, the future of a child, their capabilities, values, and overall personality development will depend heavily on the educational foundation they receive. Hence, it becomes immensely important for parents to choose a school that will provide their child with the best foundation possible.In this context, Gokkusagi Schools emerges as a beacon of comprehensive education. The school takes pride in its commitment to personalized learning, academic excellence, character development, and cultural understanding, reflecting its stature as a leading private school and college.The selection of a school is not merely about the number of facilities it offers or the number of trophies it has won. Rather, it is about the philosophy it upholds, the values it instills, the approach it takes to teaching and learning, and the way it nurtures the unique talents and potentials of its students. It's about the environment that stimulates curiosity, fosters creativity, encourages innovation, and nurtures empathy.Choosing Gokkusagi Schools is choosing a holistic educational journey. It's choosing an institution that recognizes the potential in every child and makes an effort to bring it out. It's choosing a school that prepares its students not just acadically, but also emotionally and socially, to face the world with confidence and empathy.As educators, our mission is to give our students the roots to grow and the wings to fly. At Gokkusagi Schools, every child is given the opportunity to flourish, to discover who they are, and to develop into the best version of themselves. This is what makes a school like Gokkusagi Schools stand out. It's not just about the learning; it's about the journey of self-discovery and personal growth.In a rapidly changing world, it's not just about what you learn, but how you learn and continue to learn even after leaving school. Therefore, the choice of school is crucial. It's a choice that can shape the trajectory of a child's life, making the school selection process one of the most important decisions a parent can make.
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